More Pics from the Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum

The first week here is St Augustine has been going well. The boat has been washed and waxed and is just about ready to be splashed, however that will wait.
I’ve been riding my bicycle around here for shopping as I have no car. I’ve checked out numerous grocery stores and have noticed an interesting fact regarding the stores. It appears to me that the stores which are located in “economically challenged” neighborhoods often charge more for items than those in “1%” neighborhoods. This observation is not only based on my experiences here but I’ve had similar situations in many other states and cities, just saying.
Last week my father cleaned out his garden and didn’t know what to do with all the hot peppers he had left over. Well I knew exactly what to do, make hot pepper oil. It’s extremely easy and the intense flavor of the oil is great to cook with, a few drops here and there, I’ve been mixing it with just about everything I’ve cooked this past week. It also makes a great oil for salad dressing.
- 1-2 dozen hot peppers, can be any type.
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1 cup olive oil
- 1 cup canola oil
- Chop peppers and garlic.
- Combine oil, peppers and garlic and place in sauce pan or better yet a wok.
- Cook on high heat until peppers begin to turn brown then reduce heat to strong simmer.
- Continue cooking until the peppers burn black, yes I said burn the buggers!
- Once the peppers turn black turn off the heat and let cool.
- Decant oil into a nice looking glass container and finish off by adding a sprig of either fresh Basil or Rosemary, enjoy!