Homemade tortillas, easy to make with only four ingredients. Things such as grocery shopping take on an entirely different meaning when living on a boat, especially one which is not tied to a dock. Hopping in the car to pick up some milk is just not an option for us. And depending on where we are anchored even locating a “grocery store” is next to impossible. Take for example the Ragged Islands where we like to spend a good deal of time each winter and were our hopping off and returning point to visiting Cuba. The only option available to get any type of food is by contacting Maxine in Duncan Town to see when the next mail boat will arrive from Nassau. If we are lucky Maxine will inform us that one is due to arrive within the next week, great. Maxine is kind enough to take orders from boaters for groceries such as eggs, veggies and fruits to be shipped aboard the mail boat. She also has a small store where she stocks flour, soda and on occasion ice cream bars.

One of the easier places to acquire groceries while in the Bahamas is in George Town. There are two groceries stores there although they both are relatively well stocked with basics by no means do we enter either with a specific list in hand. It’s more of see what’s available and go from there, which bring me to the recipe I’m posting today, tortillas. Both stores in George Town often have packaged tortillas available, however they usually cost around $7 to $10 for a package of 8 to 12. So making tortillas has become a weekly event aboard Makana and they taste way better than any packaged variety. They are very easy to make and we use them for everything from accompanying our Huevos Rancheros for breakfast to Cheese Quesadillas and fish burritos for dinner, enjoy
- 2 cups flour
- 2 Tbs oil, I like to use leftover bacon fat or olive oil
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 cup water or as much as needed to make a dough like consistency
- In a large bowl add flour and mix in oil and salt add water and kneed into a firm dough consistency. Form dough into ball about the size of a golf ball. Press ball flat and roll out to 10 – 12 inches using extra flour to prevent from sticking, roll tortilla until thickness of ⅛ inch or less. Heat a frying pan sprinkle with a teaspoon or so of flour and cook tortillas for 15 to 20 seconds on each side or just until the bubbles begin to turn brown. Store stacked and covered to prevent them from getting hard, enjoy.