We’re at the midway point for the summer Wild Salmon fishing season here in Alaska. And so far the fishing season this year can best be described as “so – so”. The Gillnetters have been doing well with the Alaska Game & Fish Department giving them permission to fish on a somewhat uniform schedule of 3 “openers” each week. However so far it’s been a different story for the Seiners, they’ve been limited to a few openers here and there with the fishing severely geographically limited to 2 specific areas both of which have been lacking in “numbers”.

Each day at 2pm the Alaska Game & Fish Department releases a “statement” regarding the status of commercial salmon fishing. The statements typically let the fisherpersons know whether they will be fishing the next day and if so will list the time and geographic areas where they may fish. Here is the link to the “Game & Fish” site which the fisherpersons use http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=commercialbyareapws.salmon , a fun read, fish on!